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FEMchess Blog

Welcome to the FEMchess blog! We will be posting on here frequently with updates on what we are working on, when classes will start, student progress in class, what we do in class, event notifications and flyers, updates when new sessions will start, zoom links for public informational sessions, the benefits of chess, and star students who have significantly improved or won a tournament! Stay tuned!


Hello everyone! Here's the zoom link to our informational meeting tonight from 6:30PM - 7:30PM PST! This meeting is open to the public. We look forward to seeing you tonight!

FEM Chess is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FEMchess Parent Informational Meeting

Time: Dec 5, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 0303 5638

Passcode: femchess

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,82403035638#,,,,,,0#,,43324075# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,82403035638#,,,,,,0#,,43324075# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 824 0303 5638

Passcode: 43324075

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Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Registration for the 2021 session is now open. You can now register on our Official Registration page under the "Register" tab on our website. Follow all instructions on the page and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us! Registration ends on December 13th and diagnostic testing will occur during the week of December 14th. We will accept late registrations up to January 1st, but you must email us to schedule a diagnostic test before January 4th. Classes begin the week of January 4th, 2021. We are excited to begin classes!

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Our informational meeting is coming soon! Pre-registering for the meeting is now closed, but the meeting is still open to the public! The zoom link for the meeting will be available at the time of the meeting on our blog. The meeting will begin on December 5th, 2020 and will take place from 6:30PM - 7:30PM. We will explain the registration process, our policies, class details, and more!

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