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Image by Anne Nygård

Official Registration

FEMchess 2024 Fall Term Registration IS CLOSED

Registration for 2024 Fall Term is closed. Below are instructions of how registration will work this term. We have a walkthrough video at the end of this page that walks through the registration process in detail.


New Students (Students who have not attended FEMchess classes before):

1. Fill out the official registration form on this page for your daughter.


2. Create an account for your daughter by selecting the "Log In" button at the top right-hand corner of the website and create an account with Google. Please only create an account for your daughter, and not for yourself as you will be using your daughter's account to access grades, homework, announcements, etc. For this reason, use an email address that you will be comfortable with your daughter using or create a new gmail address for your daughter prior to creating a FEMchess account. Once you have created an account, click the down arrow next to your profile picture and click on "Profile." Rename yourself to your daughter's first and last name. Click on "My Account" and rename yourself there as well and update your information on the page.


3. If your daughter has any prior chess experience or knowledge, head to our diagnostic test bookings page under the "Register" tab and follow all instructions listed there to book a diagnostic test for your daughter!


4. HIGHLY REQUESTED: FEMchess will not be possible without your help so we ask parents for a suggested donation of $50/Term in order to cover our operational costs. When you submit the registration form, you will be redirected to our PayPal. You can also click the "Donate" button on our donations page to read more and head over to our PayPal. You can always donate at any time during or after our session. We appreciate your support!


Returning Students (Students who have attended FEMchess classes before):

1. Fill out the registration form below for your daughter. We will place her in a class based on her performance during the previous term.


2. HIGHLY REQUESTED: FEMchess will not be possible without your help so we ask parents for a suggested donation of $50/Term in order to cover our operational costs. When you submit the registration form, you will be redirected to our PayPal. You can also click the "Donate" button on our donations page to read more and head over to our PayPal. You can always donate at any time during or after our session. We appreciate your support!



FEMchess 2024 Fall Term Registration

Registration for the FEMchess term 3 classes has begun! Please fill out the following form (both returning and new students) to complete the first part of registration. (Term =10 classes)


Are you a returning student or a new student?

You will receive a confirmation email once you submit this form. You will receive an email shortly after with further instructions on how to book classes and get your daughter set up for class! If you are a new student, please create an account. If you are a new student with previous chess experience, please book a diagnostic test. Please watch the video below as it walks through the registration process for new and returning students. If you have any questions regarding the registration process or want to confirm your daughter's registration status, please feel free to contact us at and we will assist you within 24 hours! 

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